If you are going to San Francisco…
We spent our days in San Francisco walking up and down its hills, from Chinatown to Ocean beach, meanwhile enjoying the ever appearing views of the Golden Gate.Soaking up the diversity of the city and withstanding one of the weirdest
Street photo in L.A.
“Sometimes I feel, like my only friendIs the city I live in, the city of AngelsLonely as I am, together we cry…”-RHCP
Medellin in 72 hours
Medellin is the second largest city in Colombia but is not the capital despite many visitors thinking so. Indeed, the city is very innovative in a lot of aspects: technological, social and cultural. Medellin is the best example of the social change
How to experience Austin?
sunset in downtown Austin This was our first time in Austin and it was amazing! We didn’t spend much time here, but in 48 busy hours we did and discovered a lot. This city reminded us of Auckland, New Zealand,
2 days in Montreal
On our way to Mexico we had a stopover in Montreal so we decided to stay a couple days to experience the city. Me (Floriane) already knew the city as I spent a few months making an internship back in
A 38-hour road trip in Iceland
Because of some visa issues (in our way between France and Mexico) and without knowing about it, we ended up having a 38 hours layout in Iceland, and instead of staying at the airport and get bored to death, we
Travel diaries in Myanmar — Bagan
Thursday, 13 of October 2016 After a long night in an uncomfortable bus we arrive in Bagan two hours past midnight. Indeed, at one moment the bus stops and a man separates the people in two different groups, he sends each